Retrōspicere | New York City
In Retrōspicere (meaning; 'to look back’) past imagery is taken from the An Irrational Element archive and curated into a visual novella as to reflect and conjure feelings, memories and thoughts.
Last year’s October I traveled to New York City to visit some of the An Irrational Element retail partners and explore the city. While the primary purpose of the trip was to highlight and capture the retailers (Please find these in the ‘Stockist’s Digest’ section of the journal), it also allowed me the opportunity to discover the rest of New York City. I roamed the city with my trusty Nikon F5 strapped over my shoulder.
This particular period in October I had the good fortune with the weather as it was wonderful. The city was covered in hues of autumn accompanied with a clear sky and soft rays of sunshine. Most of the exploring I did by foot which allowed me to see and digest the city in the best of ways. I enjoyed New York City through its many distinctions. The encounters with New York and it’s residents were heartening, I was particularly fond of the ambience throughout and the openness and willingness of the people to have casual conversations of the things that were at hand.
A vist to The Noguchi Museum. The atmosphere throughout the whole museum was tranquil and soothing. With the autumn sun peeking through the sculpture garden I took a moment to sit down to revere about the museum and Noguchi’s work.
Artworks depicted by Isamu Noguchi. ©The Noguchi Museum / ARS
Imagery shared with approval of The Noguchi Museum
Artworks depicted by Isamu Noguchi. ©The Noguchi Museum / ARS
Imagery shared with approval of The Noguchi Museum
Artworks depicted by Isamu Noguchi. ©The Noguchi Museum / ARS
Imagery shared with approval of The Noguchi Museum
A mural painted with the shadows of its aligning tree, this picture was taken at the Elizabeth Street Garden.
This is Maya. I met Maya while she was at work in a very cool store and found out she was carrying the Fisherman’s Hat with her. She showed me the worn hat and allowed me to take a picture of her wearing it too!
As my first time visit to NYC I had to visit the LES Coleman Skatepark underneath the Manhattan Bridge. Outside of the park I asked a skater to borrow his board for a bit so I’ve made sure to have skated in NYC. After returning the board I realized the skater was William Strobeck the filmmaker.