Stockist's Digest | Curated. garments for women
I’ve been fortunate enough to work and connect with retailers whom take a curated approach to their business. In this edition of Stockist’s Digest I will share more about a new retail concept by the Dutch curating virtuoso Jeroen de Wal. Jeroen and I have been working together for some seasons now and have presented the An Irrational Element collections at his store Store Du Nord in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Store Du Nord shop window
While brewing a lot of early morning coffees Jeroen has simultaneously been brewing on a new retail concept named ‘Curated. garments for women’. For the time being Curated is housed in the back of his Store Du Nord retail space until it will find its own housing in the nearby area.
Morning coffee
Curated. garments for women in the back
With a similar sensibility to Store Du Nord, Curated is Jeroen’s envisionment of what womenswear can be in terms of quality, fit & attitude. Lots of research has been put into Curated where the cornerstones are female makers from the past and present that have shaped the creative and cultural domain. Taking inspiration not only from what they’ve done but also from how they looked doing this. Lotti van der Gaag, a Dutch sculptor and Agnes Martin, a Canadian-born American painter have been a few of the inceptive people that helped shape the curation of Curated. garments for women.
Cross Coat in waxed cotton
Jeroen de Wal reading Agnes Martin
An Irrational Element is the first brand that just released at Curated and the curation features classics such as the Karl Trouser and Simple Trouser. There are also new styles available such as the Easy Jacket, Cross Coat, Big Bag & Trek Boot. Since starting An Irrational Element a certain type of openness in the item’s wearability has been fundamental and Curated shows the inherent charm of this openness.
An Irrational Element at Curated. garments for women