Sustainability through Design

When I found An Irrational Element my aim was to use my own vision and style to create new clothing that has the ability to fuse into the wardrobes of others. Style is something you will never be able to part with as person, there will always be this specific way in which you walk, talk, dress, etc. that is non-copyable. The styles I design always contain the balance of an item that I would want to wear and an item that is implementable by a wide variety of people so that they adapt it and make it their own. It is impossible to not exclude people when using the methodology of designing from a personal perspective, this non-inclusiveness can realize through style, size, color or any other variable that does not fit with a person’s mind or body. What is most important is that the designs can be sustained throughout the years in quality and style.


Sustainability through design is one of the main aims of An Irrational Element and its motivation is found in wanting people to think about their own style. This means that when someone purchases from An Irrational Element the product has the characteristics to transcend fashion and become part of the customer’s personal style. An important question to ask oneself when buying anything that should stand the test of time is; ‘am I able to use this in 5 years in terms of quality and desire?’. To me this is the road to true sustainability and although An Irrational Element uses mostly ECO certified and even recycled materials it would have no value using those materials if the designs knows no sustainability.


Each Collection An Irrational Element adds an x amount of new styles to its range and reflects on the already existing styles. The collections can be seen as studies into everything I relate to clothing such as; style, material, color, quality, inspiration, art, architecture, sports and so on. Products from this collections are in constant development, they need testing, reviewing and they need to be discussed. As the styles are never still I reassess them each collection and implement tweaks that I find relevant at that point of time to create a sense of perfection.