Retrōspicere | Summer Exhibition
In Retrōspicere (meaning; 'to look back’) past imagery is taken from the An Irrational Element archive and curated into a visual novella as to reflect and conjure feelings, memories and thoughts.
During this summer An Irrational Element relocated from Arnhem, The Netherlands to Antwerp, Belgium due to the expansion of the studio and desire for a new surrounding. Once settled I took the time to browse through the recent archive of imagery and felt like looking back at the summer period as it is coming to its end. This is an exhibition of trips with friends, excursions, work for An Irrational Element and other snippets of the summer. Aiming to convey these moments you will find added captions with selected imagery for more context.
A favorite cafe, Dansing Chocola
Statue of Silvio Brabo throwing away the hand of Druon Antigoon.
Through the front door of one of the many art galleries in the old city centre.
An ever loving fascination for doors and its patina.
Museum Plantin-Moretus, the original residence and workshop of the Plantin and Moretus publishing dynasty.
Printing tools
Metal letters for the letterpress.
The ‘Kunst’ Baseball Cap
The Mr(s). Coat
Bornrif Lighthouse in Ameland
Beach days
Edge of Ameland
‘Keori & Yousuke’ Shooting day - En Route
Skateboarding to the shooting location
Yousuke with dog 1
Yousuke with dog 2
I had a thoughtful conversation with this man talking about his Lindberg glasses and lots of other things. Hope to meet him again sometime!
Zandvoort aan Zee
Just loved the iridescent fishing thread.